During my time at Eckerd College I did a short 3-week course called Exploring London’s Green Initiatives where we got to explore some of the most sustainable buildings in London. Having been an Environmental Studies major I wanted to do this study abroad course to understand sustainability initiatives that other countries are doing to keep themselves on the cutting edge of technology. One such building that really stuck out to be was the BedZED sustainable living community close to Croydon in South London.
The Beddington Zero Energy Development or BedZED as its more commonly known, is the UK’s first large scale sustainable living community that was first conceived in 1998 by Bull Dunster as a way to create a zero-carbon eco-village. The sizes of the homes vary from 37 meter squared studio flats to 131 meters squared bedroom town houses. The present development was completed in 2002 with over 100 homes, office space, a college (an American high school) and community facilities. Around 25% of BedZED homes have subsidized rent, 25% have subsidized and affordable home ownership and the remaining 50% are for sale on the open market. Having these subsided rents built into some of the homes is important as many green homes and apartment buildings can be more expensive than existing homes or ones built with more traditional building practices.
Within the construction of the village Bioregional was able to source most of the bulk materials and labour within a 50 mile radius of the site that allowed for a lower embodied carbon rating. With this as well, BedZED has greenrooms on each of the buildings that decreases the overall urban heat island effect that the sun has. Some of the most interesting aspects of the BedZED buildings are that they have increased energy savings due to increased insulation, airtightness and passive solar heating design that decreases spending on energy. The community was able to achieve a “27% reduction in electricity consumption and 36% reduction in gas consumption between 2012 and 2015” according to the BioRegional website.
Bioregional is a charity and social enterprise that was founded by Sue Riddlestone, OBE in 1994 as a way to develop more sustainable ways of living. The charity founded the “One Planet Living” framework in 2003 as a way to help organizations achieve their vision of a brighter, better future. The 10 principals according to the Bioregional website are: Health & Happiness; Equity & Local Economy; Culture & Community; Travel & Transport; Land & Nature; Local & Sustainable Food; Sustainable Water; Materials & Products; Zero Waste and Zero Carbon Energy. Their intent with this framework is a wide range of sectors to be able to achieve their sustainability ambitions while making their employees happier and healthier.
Some of the ways that BedZed has measured success for the residents is through monitoring figures that show how residents take advantage of the green lifestyle features that BedZED provides. The Global Wellness Institute has noted that residents “If taking advantage of all the green lifestyle features, can reduce their impact from 3 planets to 1.9 planets and down to 1.7 planets once the renewable energy system has been fixed”. On average, people in the UK use roughly 2.6 or 2.4 planets respectively that shows the dramatic decrease in the amount of resources that BedZED residents rely on and shows their commitment to a green lifestyle beyond just where they live. .
BedZED has been nominated and won many architecture awards including Energy Globe Award 2022, Eurosolar Award 2002, Evening Standard Lifestyle Award 2002, RIBA London Awards 2003, Nominated for the Fundacio Mines van Der Rohne Award that is the EU Prize for contemporary Architecture 2003, Shortlisted for the Main Prize for the RIBA Stirling Prize 2003 and Winner of the Sustainability Award, Housing Design Awards 2003- Best Project & Sustainability Award.
Interested in Learning More:
Bioregional: https://www.bioregional.com/projects-and-services/case-studies/bedzed-the-uks-first-large-scale-eco-village
The BedZED Story: https://storage.googleapis.com/www.bioregional.com/downloads/The-BedZED-Story_Bioregional_2017.pdf
ZED Factory: https://www.zedfactory.com/bedzed
Global Wellness Institute: https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/BedZEDsevenyearson_lowres.pdf